Quick DIY french drain that will save you from getting your basement flooded!

The most common reason why homeowners get water in their basement or garages is because of clogged gutters and poor or even non-existent foundation grading. You can prevent all those costly repairs and insurance claims by doing your own french drain over the weekend! Here’s how: You will need to dig a trench along the […]
Regrout tile like a pro! 5 easy steps.

Tiled walls with time can look faded and dirty, caused due to the discoloration of the grout and mold deposits the over time, which are almost impossible to remove with grout cleaning or reviving mixes. If you have discolored, moldy and even pieces of grout chipping away your best bet is to remove the old […]
Can allergies be linked to carpet?

There are numerous researches done linking carpet to allergies and asthma, and there are about the same amount of research done linking hard floor surfaces like tile, laminate and wood flooring to allergies and asthma as well. The studies done on how carpet affects us have shown that carpet can have a major impact on […]
Re-caulk your bathroom in 5 easy steps.

Introduction: Gaps and cracks in the caulk around your tub or shower can lead to mold growth bad smell and make the bathroom look unclean no matter how many times you clean it. It’s recommended to check and re-caulk your sink, tub or shower once a year; the most common affected and constantly wet […]
Painting concrete basement walls.

Tired of ugly looking concrete basement walls and floor? Here are some do it yourself tips on how to clean up your basement, moisture proof and paint the walls and floor, make your basement look more then just a place where things get lost. Don’t worry if you do not want to finish your […]
The smart way to save money, on basement remodeling.

If you are on a budget but need to have your basement refinished for you newborn kid or teenager that sometimes can act as newborn… or your in-laws are moving in, or you are in desperate need of a man cave, or an art studio, or home office… DO NOT SHOP FOR CHEAP LABOR in […]
Light Paint Colors in a Dark Basement

Basement walls might not be taken as seriously as other parts of your home décor. People might pay attention the furnishings and the fixtures. They fail to realize that walls are the most dominant feature of any room. Whether you paint them or add wallpaper it’s a good idea to be careful and pick a […]
Picking the Lighting for your Basement

Your basement can be one of the darkest areas in your home and it can become very depressing if you don’t arrange for the right lighting. These days, homeowners want to utilize their basement space fun and/or productively. They want add a playroom, or an entertainment room, etc, to this space. At Basement Finish Pros, […]
Building a Kitchen in your Connecticut Basement Home

Basements are often underutilized. Some people add playrooms or entertainment rooms to their basements, but others simply use it as storage room or a guestroom. There are several ways you can transform your basement and turn it into something interesting, beautiful and useful. Homeowners have started to realize this and have started to use their […]
Is the Big E Slowing Down Your Commute?

Check Out List Of Program and Events Commuting from Springfield, Massachusetts to Connecticut has certainly proved to be quite challenging lately, and if you’re not sure why, it’s because there’s a huge event happening right now. Memorial Ave has been filled with people because of the Eastern State Exposition, and the festivities and fun are […]